Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ayn Rand was right

It seems that back around '03 my employer at the time, Wells Fargo, was directing employee 401K contributions into under-performing mutual funds which they managed. Thus Wells Fargo employee's retirement nest eggs were starved of the sound investment strategies they needed to grow at an optimal rate. Or, so I glean from a complex legal letter I can't be bothered to fully read. I knew nothing of this at the time. But when I first heard suggestion of it... well, I did nothing. 

Thankfully, unlike me, a group of sharp lawyers saw a minor injustice that was worth some major coin. (Wells Fargo has a lot of employees).  Motivated by pure avarice, they launched a class action lawsuit, litigated long and hard and won a settlement with a LOT of zeros at the end.  These heros were well and justly rewarded (again, LOTS of zeros at the end).  And demonstrating the virtue of selfishness, Wells Fargo employees are rewarded as well. Today, in spite of my indifference and indolence (but in accordance with section (iii) of the Plan of Allocation) even I received a check for my share of the settlement! 

So tomorrow I will spend this undeserved windfall on a toast to the generosity of greed. A round on me at the Elephant and Castle on King! (Provided no more than 3 people show up, as I should save some for the tip).

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